
gluten free waffle


  • 2 cups (280 g) gum-free gluten free flour blend (185 g superfine white rice flour + 62 g potato starch + 33 g tapioca starch/flour)
  • ¼ teaspoon xanthan gum
  • 2 tablespoons (24 g) granulated sugar
  • 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • 2 (100 g (weighed out of shell)) eggs at room temperature, separated
  • 3 tablespoons (42 g) virgin coconut oil melted and cooled (or a neutral liquid oil, like vegetable or canola)
  • 1 cup (227 g) plain whole milk yogurt at room temperature
  • ¾ cup (6 fluid ounces) milk at room temperature


  • Preheat and prepare your waffle iron according to the manufacturer’s directions.
  • In a large bowl, place the flour blend, xanthan gum, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt, and whisk to combine well.
  • In a separate bowl, whip the egg whites with a hand mixer (or in a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment) until stiff (but not dry) peaks form.
  • Place the egg yolks and oil in a separate large bowl and blend with a hand mixer (or in a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment) until creamy.
  • Add the yogurt and milk, and blend until well combined. Add the dry ingredients, and blend again. The mixture will be smooth and thickly pourable.
  • Fold the beaten egg whites gently into the large bowl of batter until only a few white streaks remain.
  • Pour or scoop about 3/4 to 1 cup of batter into your prepared waffle iron (more or less depending upon the size and shape of your iron), and spread the batter into an even layer.
  • Close the lid and cook until steam stop escaping from the waffle iron, between 4 and 5 minutes, depending again upon the capacity of your waffle iron.
  • Remove the waffle from the iron and serve immediately. Repeat with the remaining batter.
  • If you do not serve each waffle as soon as it is made, refresh the waffles by placing them in a toaster oven at 400°F for about 3 minutes.
  • Waffles can also be cooled completely, wrapped tightly and frozen, then defrosted and refreshed similarly before serving.



man tou 饅頭


水(或牛奶) 240克白糖1勺(10克)(可选)

all purpose flour - 500 g

water/ liquid /milk - 240g

oil - 5 g

yeast  5g

sugar 10g 




rice flour - 40g 

pandan cake chewy

 蒸班兰香糕【Steamed Pandan Cake

◆ Ingredients 食材 ◆ 200g Glutinous Rice Flour 糯米粉 30g Wheat Starch 澄面粉 30g Sweet Potato Starch 番薯粉 ¼ tsp Salt 盐 50g Pandan Extract 班兰精华 200ml Coconut Milk 椰奶 130ml Water 清水 ( Boiling) 120g Caster Sugar 细砂糖

Steam for 30 mins


Skillet Flatbreads


Skillet Flatbreads





做法1. 杞子以熱水浸軟約15分鐘。
2. 魚膠片以凍水浸軟,備用。
3. 燒熱一鍋水,放入冰糖、桂花糖、桂花、杞子拌勻。
4. 魚膠片揸乾水分,放入鍋中攪拌至完全溶化。
5. 桂花糖水略放涼後,注入模具中。
6. 放雪櫃冷藏2-3小時至凝固脫模即成。

原文網址: 【杞子桂花糕食譜】中式甜品清甜精緻 潤肺美肌淡雅桂花香 | 香港01 https://www.hk01.com/article/123211?utm_source=01articlecopy&utm_medium=referral