
best cupcake + Butter cream


Chocolate Cupcake

Butter 100g

Muscovado Sugar 50g

Brown Sugar 50g

Egg 100g

Cake Flour 80g

Orange Zest 1 pc

Baking Powder 3g

Cocoa Powder 20g

Milk 30g

Chocolate 66% 50g


Melt chocolate and pour in boil milk, mix until smooth,

Blend butter muscovado sugar, brown sugar together until soft,

Add eggs gradually,

Add the sifted dry ingredients and orange zest, blend in low speed

Fold in chocolate and milk, don't over mix,

Scoop into muffin pan and bake at 180℃ until brown , about 20mins.

Yuzu Butter Cream :

Milk 150g

Vanilla 1/2 Pc

Egg Yolk 85g

Sugar 145g

Butter 665g

Egg White 100g

Sugar 185g

Water 45g

Yuzu Syrup 50g or as needed

Method :

Make meringue with egg white, water and sugar,

Make custard with milk, egg yolk, sugar and vanilla, sieve, cool down then and add soft butter, fold in cool meringue

Add flavoring and colouring as needed.



royal icing cookies 2



高筋麵粉 60g
低筋麵粉 60g
蛋 20g
牛油 50g
糖粉 40g

1) 室溫牛油加糖粉打軟後, 逐少加入蛋汁拌勻
2) 篩入高筋麵粉, 低筋麵粉, 以切伴方法拌勻
3) 麵糰放入雪櫃3小時以上, 取出後碌平, 用曲奇模印出麵糰
4) 160-180c焗15-20mins至熟
5) 待曲奇完全涼透, 便可畫上糖霜

Royal icing食譜

1) 10g(一湯匙) 蛋白粉 + 150g過篩的糖霜(icing sugar) + 少許溫水
2) 用手提電動打蛋器, 高速打約10-12mins
3) 打好的糖霜會變得很杰成一舊舊, 可用適量的溫水來調節, 調得太稀, 可篩入糖霜
(畫線條的糖霜可以杰一點, 塗顏色的則稀一點)
4) 逐少加入色膏, 調節理想的顏色便可放入唧袋使用

snow ball


牛油 45g
鹽 少許
糖粉 15g
杏仁粉 25g
低筋麵粉 50g
可可粉 10g

1) 室溫牛油加鹽和糖粉輕輕攪拌, 加入過篩的杏仁粉伴勻
2) 篩入低筋麵粉及可可粉, 拌成糰後放入雪櫃(普通格)雪一晚
3) 分割成10g一粒, 搓圓後以170c焗15-20mins
4) 出爐後襯熱上一次糖粉(份量以外), 完全放涼後, 再上一次糖粉

royal icing cookies

1 cup confectioners' sugar
2 teaspoons milk
2 teaspoons light corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
assorted food coloring
1.In a small bowl, stir together confectioners' sugar and milk until smooth. Beat in corn syrup and almond extract until icing is smooth and glossy. If icing is too thick, add more corn syrup.
2.Divide into separate bowls, and add food colorings to each to desired intensity. Dip cookies, or paint them with a brush.
Rolled out cookies

about 3 tsp of milk and 3 tsp of corn syrup

牛油   100 g
糖霜   60  g
蛋    40  g
低粉   200 g  
發粉   2   g
鹽    2   g
