
咖央醬 spreed

全蛋 2隻蛋黃 2隻coconut糖 100g椰漿 200ml班蘭香油 1茶匙
1. 全蛋及蛋黃放入盤中打散。
2. 加入糖拌至溶解。
3. 加入椰漿及班蘭香油拌勻。
4. 將咖央糊過濾,隔去泡沫。
5. 準備一鍋滾水, 將咖央糊連盤放上,隔水加熱。加熱至微暖時,要攪拌一下, 當咖央糊煮熱後要不停攪拌, 直至杰身為止(食譜說須要煮1 小時)
6. 冷卻後,裝入清潔乾爽的瓶子放入雪櫃貯存 (冷卻後的咖央糊會杰身一點)


Sri Kaya recipe
(fills one and a half of 8oz jars)

3 eggs
2 egg yolks
100g castor sugar
50g brown sugar
200ml thick coconut milk, from grated white of 2 coconuts (If use cans, make sure it is 100% coconut milk extract. I used Ayam's brand 100% coconut cream)
3–4 screwpine leaves (pandan leaves), knotted


1. Set up a double boiler - fill a pot with water around 3/4 full and bring to boil. Once boiled, turn it down to low/medium heat, the water should be just simmering with bubbles at the bottom of the pot.

2. Use a large mixing bowl (I use a large metal mixing bowl), add eggs and sugar and beat them together until all sugar is dissolved.

3. Slowly add coconut cream into mixture while whisking until well combined.

4. Place the mixing bowl on top of the double boilder with simmering hot water.

6. Tie a knot of all the pandan leaves together, add it into the mixture. Use a silicon spatula and keep stirring.

7. Scrape the side and the bottom of the mixture with the spatula constantly and pour it over the pandan leaves. That way it will stop the mixture cooking too fast with lumps at the bottom, and the hot mixture will extract the pandan flavour from the leaves.

8. The mixture will start to get thick and sticky. Test the mixture whether it is ready by using "parting the sea" technique - draw a line by scraping the mixture in one swift move using the spatula. If you can draw a clean line on the bowl for a second before the mixture flows like lava and covers the line, then it is ready.

9. Once ready, remove it from the heat. Take the pandan leaves out and discard. (Make sure you squeeze all the sticky jam goodness out of the pandan leaves before discarding it)

10. Leave it cool and it will thicken further. Then fill in a sterilised jar and keep in room temperature for up to 5 days, or in the fridge up to a month. But seriously, you will finish the whole jar before you know it.

