
flourless chocolate cake

Flourless Chocolate Cake


Chocolate 200g
Butter 150g
Egg white 5
Egg yolk 5
Sugar 100g
Cocoa Powder 2tbsp


1. Melt the chocolate and better, let cool

2. Beat the egg yolks with sugar (80g) until thick and look milk white

網誌 我的網誌內容搜尋: 引用 檢舉
Flourless Chocolate Cake (食譜)網誌分類:靜愛Chocolate | 圖片 網誌日期:2010-02-09 12:45
今天是我boss的生日, 所以做了個蛋糕給他~

他超愛chocolate, 對於chocolate lover來說, 這款蛋糕一定可以滿足到~


做這個蛋糕只需要朱古力, 蛋, 砂糖和可可粉, 材料簡單易做~


Flourless Chocolate Cake


Chocolate 200g
Butter 150g
Egg white 5
Egg yolk 5
Sugar 100g
Cocoa Powder 2tbsp


1. Melt the chocolate and better, let cool

2. Beat the egg yolks with sugar (80g) until thick and look milk white

3. Mix 2. into melted chocolate butter
4. Add cocoa powder into 3.
5. Beat egg white until blistering and add sugar (20g) into it
6. Beat the egg white until soft peak
7. Add 6. into 4. with 3-4 times
8. Bake 30-40 minutes with 180℃
9. Remove from oven and use plate to press on the cake until cool

材料: 黑朱古力 90g

無鹽牛油 45g

蛋黄 2隻

蛋白 2隻

砂糖 60g (分成20g和40g兩份)

幼鹽 1/4茶匙

