

材料 Ingredients:

a ) 10兩五花腩肉,洗淨 400g pork belly, rinsed

b ) 2條蕃薯,去皮,切成半厘米厚片 2 pcs of sweet potato, peeled, sliced in 0.5cm thick

自製蒸肉粉料 Homemade Meat Steaming Powder :

** 可改用即食《蒸肉粉》,超級市場有售 can use the ready made meat steaming powder which could be found in suppermarket **

c ) 1碗白米 1 bowl of rice

d ) 2粒八角 2 pieces of star anise

e ) 3隻乾辣椒 3 pieces of dried red chili

f ) 2茶匙川椒粒 2 tea spoon of dried Sichuan pepper corn

調味料 Seasoning:

A. 1茶匙薑茸 1 tea spoon of freshly ground ginger

B. 1茶匙蒜茸 1 tea spoon of freshly ground garlic

C. 1磚腐乳 1 cube of preserved bean curd

D. 1 湯匙甜麵醬 1 table spoon of sweet bean paste

E. 1茶匙老抽 1 tea spoon of dark soy sauce

F. 1湯匙紅油郫懸豆辨醬 1 table spoon of red Sichuan bean paste

G. 1湯匙黃糖 1 table spoon of yellow sugar

H. 1湯匙清水 1 table spoon of water

自製蒸肉粉步驟Making Meat Steaming Powder Steps :

下油入Le Creuset二十三厘米淺平煎鍋用小火燒至中熱,把白米、八角、川椒粒及乾辣椒放入鍋中,乾炒至大米呈微黃色,除去八角,放乾辣椒、大米及川椒粒入攪拌器打成細小粒狀,但切記不要打至粉狀,放涼後即成蒸肉粉。Add Oil into Le Creuset 23cm Skillet and heat it under low heat, add rice, star anise, dried red chili and dried Sichuan papper corn to stir fry until the rice light browned, discard the star anise, bring the rice, dried red chili and dried Sichuan pepper corn to blend into smaller pieces, but never blend it up as powder, set cool and done.

粉蒸肉烹調步驟Cooking Steps :

(1) 再用中火把 Le Creuset二十三厘米淺平煎鍋燒熱,不用放油,把豬腩肉皮向下放入鍋內煎約1至2分鐘至豬皮微焦,取出,用刀刮走焦黑及豬毛,洗淨,切成3厘米濶薄件;Heat Le Creuset 23cm Skillet with no oil with medium heat, bring pork belly to pan fry, skin down until light burned, take it out and scrape away the burned pig’s feather, slices the pork belly into 3cm width;

(2) 把調味料全混合好成醃料,放入豬腩肉件醃約30分鐘;Mix all the seasonings well, put all pork belly slices into the seasoning mixture to marinate for about 30 minutes;

(3) 把蕃薯片平鋪滿於蒸籠底部,然後逐一將每件醃好的腩肉均勻的沾滿蒸肉粉後,鋪於蕃薯片上面,把蒸籠蓋好,放入已盛有滾水的Le Creuset 二十四厘米圓形湯鍋(或Le Creuset三十二厘米深底鍋)內,用小火蒸約45分鐘,即可。Place sweet potato slices on bottom of the bamboo steamer, coat even each marinated pork belly slice with the homemade meat steaming powder, and place it on top of the sweet potato one by one, put the bamboo steamer lid on, bring to steam in either Le Creuset 26cm Round French Oven or 32cm Marmite with hard boiling water under low heat for about 45 minutes until soft and tender.

